Educators, benefits, course outline, how to enrol

Site: 7 steps 2 success
Course: 7 steps 2 success
Book: Educators, benefits, course outline, how to enrol
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Date: Tuesday, 3 December 2024, 6:58 PM


Profiles, benefits, how to enrol

1. Educator profiles


John Lindeman is widely respected as one of Australia’s leading market analysts. With well over a decade of experience researching the nature and dynamics of various types of assets at major data analysts, John is renowned as the market researcher that other experts go to for all their Australian investment insights.

John’s column on housing market research features monthly in Australian Property Investor Magazine and he is a popular contributor to investment related media, such as Your Investment Property Magazine, Michael Yardney’s Property Update, Kevin Turner’s Real Estate Talk and Alan Kohler’s Eureka Report. John has also authored the landmark best-selling books for property investors, Mastering the Australian Housing Market and Unlocking the Property Market, both published by Wileys.

Carolyn Tibbett has over 30 years successful property investment experience and is a qualified educator. She has spent many years analysing the leading indicators and key demand dynamics of every type of housing market. 7steps2success distills Carolyn's years of adult education experience and property investment expertise into a unique tool specifically designed for the benefit of housing market investors.   

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2. Exclusive Benefits

Get access to exclusive reports from John and Carolyn. Each report is based on John and Carolyn's expert analysis and supported by their own on the ground research.

Enjoy direct email access to the presenters for easy to understand answers to any questions you have regarding the content covered in the program.

3. Course outline

Starting with a comprehensive introduction to both the program and the housing market, 7steps2success takes you on a step by step journey of education and discovery showing you how to get the greatest benefits from housing investment with on line activities, quizzes, forums videos, presentations and templates.

You'll understand how the housing market works, see how to find areas with the best growth potential, discover where and when to buy, learn how to narrow down your search, decide what to buy, determine how much to pay and know when to sell.

4. How to enrol

The unique content of the 7 steps 2 success course is designed to build your understanding of the housing market and show you how and where to obtain the greatest possible benefits from property investment.

The total course cost is $1,996.00. This entitles you to 12 months log-in access to both the Introduction and the 7 steps 2 success course.

Payment in full by Credit card is available on our website  or you can email us at for other payment options or to get more information.